Tuesday 17 June 2008

Big Brother - Big Brother 9 Housemates Fail Crisp-licking Task

The housemates in the ninth series of Big Brother have missed out on being awarded a gift token after failing a new task.

The group's failure to correctly sort some 6,250 grams of crisps represented the second task failure of this year's show - after the secret couple task of week one - while housemate Dennis McHugh later called a group meeting regarding personality clashes in the house.

Having gathered on the sofa on Monday morning, the housemates awaited instructions while Sylvia Barrie discovered the details of the new task.

Upon her return, she revealed that the housemates were required to sort 6,250 grams of potato crisps into four different flavours, with Big Brother placing a giant bowl of salt and vinegar, cheese and onion, Worcester sauce and ready salted crisps in the garden.

The group were required to lick each and every individual crisp and then allocate it to the appropriately labelled crisp bag and had two hours in which to sort all 6,250 grams.

A token was on offer if housemates sorted the crisps, but eating the crisps was strictly forbidden and any housemate caught breaking the rule was warned of severe consequences.

The group set up a production line, with blind housemate Mikey Hughes criticised for blowing his nose and dropping the tissue into a crisp barrel.

But despite spending more than three hours licking the crisps, Big Brother revealed that with an error margin of 11 per cent, the housemates had lost the task.

While the group laughed, student Luke Marsden exclaimed: "That means we licked all those crisps for jack all."

Later that evening Dennis announced a group meeting to deal with "how issues and situations are being vented in the house".

Alexandra De-Gale, about whom Channel 4 received hundreds of complaints over her bullying, admitted that should she have an issue with people, she "likes to take it up then and there and to the person's face".

Sylvia later confided in Big Brother in the diary room about Alexandra's behaviour, saying: "I can't believe I've been associated with her."

16/06/2008 22:01:01

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